The rest of my seeds came today, Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy. Finally some hope of spring from this very cold winter. I my self am not a winter person I like warmer weather. I would be perfectly fine with a nice 70 degree temperature all year long. I know I lose the wonderful seasons or I could just move some place that had a nice even temp. range all year long.
I do have a list of all the seeds I got for you all to look at below have fun.

Broccoli, Basil, Beets, Snapdragons, Cabbage, Parsley, Henna, Phacelia, Celery, Oregano, Woad, Zinnia, Pickles, Rosemary, Indigo, Cerinthe, Paprika Pepper, Sage, Dyers Broom, Kiss me over the garden gate, Cayenne Pepper, Thyme, French Marigold, Zucchini, Eucalyptus, Fullers Teasel, Nasturtium, Spinach, Soapwort, Hummingbird Plant, Egg Plant, Weld, French Marigold, Sun dry Tomatoes, Bachelor Button, Amish Paste Tomatoes, Sweet Pea, Tomatoes, Jacobs Cattle Bean, Tri Pack Snap Bean, Yin Yang Bean, Garbanzo Bean, Carrots, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Rice Pea, Pomegranate, Sesame
I do have a list of all the seeds I got for you all to look at below have fun.
Broccoli, Basil, Beets, Snapdragons, Cabbage, Parsley, Henna, Phacelia, Celery, Oregano, Woad, Zinnia, Pickles, Rosemary, Indigo, Cerinthe, Paprika Pepper, Sage, Dyers Broom, Kiss me over the garden gate, Cayenne Pepper, Thyme, French Marigold, Zucchini, Eucalyptus, Fullers Teasel, Nasturtium, Spinach, Soapwort, Hummingbird Plant, Egg Plant, Weld, French Marigold, Sun dry Tomatoes, Bachelor Button, Amish Paste Tomatoes, Sweet Pea, Tomatoes, Jacobs Cattle Bean, Tri Pack Snap Bean, Yin Yang Bean, Garbanzo Bean, Carrots, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Rice Pea, Pomegranate, Sesame