Today was a bit of work but we also had fun too. We went to the Lenape Indian Museum. They happened to be demonstrating what the Lenape people did for fibers and weaving. Well they didn't use animal fibers, they did of course use leather. They fibers they used where plant fibers such as nettle, milk weed, blood root and different tree barks. If I paid attention The strongest fiber they had was blood root.
They used an awl to poke holes in the leather before sewing. That was a beaver tooth, then they just used the sinew of the deer as sewing thread. Before beads they used porcupine quills to do there embellishments.
The most unusual thing I didn't know about. They didn't use a drop spindle to spin there fiber. They did it all by had, ALL OF IT. They would spin the fiber between there thumb and four finger. Then twist it over another bunch of fiber. So by hand they would be spinning and plying at the same time. The demonstrator gave us a piece of raffia to try our had at it. Ed had five minutes then he was done. I did my piece and then his.
It was a really good time. I learned quite a bit and had fun with it. If you are ever in the Allentown Area stop by the Museum. They do have events all year plus they do a really good Pow Wow they call the roasting of corn festival. That is in August. So if you get the chance to go you just may see us there.
This blog is for a lover of the fiber arts, gardening, herbal medicine and nature in general. My hope is that this blog will help me get focused, to be able too help any one with the same interests and if I ever get stuck maybe someone reading my blog can help me.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Crystal and Gem Show

I actually did very well with finding
some fun stuff. I picked up a gem quality opal. I believe it to be a
Golden Opal, it is very pretty and caught my eye. I also got an
Irradiate quartz, Shiva Lingham (I have seen them in the past and
found them to be pricey). An a Apache Tear, Prenite, two Tremolites
(not sure why two), Bismuth, Pyrite.
I also picked up a grab bag, in
traditional grab bag fashion you have no idea what you are getting.
I think I did really well with this bag. I got two Amethysts, the one
is regular and the other is specked with Red Hematite. I also got
some Calcite, a bag of tumbled stone and some Sand Selinite.
All in all I think I did really well
with every thing and had a wonderful time. I enjoy going to those
types of events. So when they come up I try to go if at all possible.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Birthday Presents

The original is actually made of wool. I decided to go with cotton it's easier to keep clean. All you need to do is through it in the washer and dryer and your good to go. the pattern is very interesting I had never done the magical circle before. It made it much easier to do then a chain method. The only thing I wouldn't do is use the magic circle for something flat. It naturally cups as you go around so your not able to have a flat piece. It looks more like a bowl. At any rate it is still much easier then the chain method.
Another gift I withed to make her was a bag. The bag itself is store fabric that I sewed into the bag. But what i did do was inkle weave the straps. Since the material is cow print I went with black and white checks to simulate that effect. It came out really well. The party was a wonderful affair and the gifts where well received
. Now I just have to figure what I'm going to make her next.
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