Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dandelion Wine

Last spring while I was reading one of my magazines I came across a recipe for Dandelion Wine. It became to late for me too make any last year so I vowed to make some this year.P4200014

So that is exactly what I did, you don’t realize how long it takes to pick enough flowers to make this wine. Try like two and half hours, you only use the petals no green parts.

After picking the flowers for like ever, you also need to get some lemons and oranges. Besides sugar, yeast and water you are set to go.

With this recipe you use the rinds of the lemon and orange plus the orange its self. First you boil the flowers, water, and rinds for twenty minutes. Strain that out and add your sugar, then let it set until it has cooled. then you add your yeast and orange slices. Now you let it set for, four days this is the first setting.

On the fourth day you strain out the mixture and let it set for two weeks. This is the second setting which is pictured above. Then there is a third setting for another two weeks before the final transfer to the bottle and setting in a cool place to age.

The recipe says that the wine will be ready for Christmas so I won’t be talking about this anymore until then. All good things take time, it’s the same with good wine as well.

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