This blog is for a lover of the fiber arts, gardening, herbal medicine and nature in general. My hope is that this blog will help me get focused, to be able too help any one with the same interests and if I ever get stuck maybe someone reading my blog can help me.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Basket of Fiber
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Last Labor day weekend I had entered a handwoven doily in the Great Allentown Fair. My thought was I will give it a try and see if I get a ribbon. I also noticed that there were no woven items to speak of in any of the categories. So we have two opportunities one to show that people do still hand weave and the second was to try and get a ribbon.
So after that boost of confidence I decided to enter some new pieces this year. I was only able to get three items done. The first was the loom fitted vest that you all saw (it was one of my first blog entries). The second was a table runner or scarf and the final one is a wall hanging.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Still witho
While I'm on line I will quickly tell you all that we haven't had a real summer this year. My garden at the farm was horrible, to much rain and to cold. So I got very little from it this year. Yet here at the house the garden did very well. If you are wondering why the one did good and the other not so good. The farm is up on the mountain and there is a temperature drop up there that keeps it cool. Under normal circumstances there would have been no problems with the garden the weather just did everyone up there in this year.
On another note I entered three items to be judged in the Great Allentown Fair. One was a table scarf that got second place, second was a loom fitted vest that got third place and the final was a wall hanging that got fifth place. Which is a little disappointing since last year I entered a doily and got first place, yet it is better to get some kind of ribbon then none at all which was the case for some people.
The produce stand is slow right know hopefully it will pickup with the pumpkin season. Hopefully soon I will have my own computer so I'm able to show you all pics of the stuff that I'm doing and be able to blog more. So Hope to blog again soon.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I am so....
I have explained in the other posts what’s been going on except for this part which I’m going to try to post about more formally. In June we started selling produce and that has taken up a lot of our time. I will explain that in a later post.
So I do hope you will all forgive me in not posting for such a long time and please enjoy the new posts below.
Fig Tree
Now the fig is about four times the size of the bay, Truth be told the bay laurel is a very slow growing plant.
Front Yard Garden
I planted the entire front garden the weekend of the 15th of May which is the last frost date for this area. Except this year we had two frost warnings later that month I was lucky I didn’t lose anything, not even my basil which is very tender.
For the entire month of June everything was growing very slowly if at all until the last week of June going into the Fourth of July weekend. Then we had success with growth and fi
The Amaranth is doing nicely also soon I would like to make some dye from that and see what I can get. What has been weird is the new growth of leaves has been green then turning red. Yet when I started it in March it came up red and staid red until now with the new growth. This is another plant that is the first year for me so I will see how it goes and show you the yarn that I dyed with it when I get that far.
The rest of the front yard is zinnias, herbs, veggies and some other little flowers. They have started doing well and I’m finally pleased with how it looks. When I planted they garden the first thing I did was to trim back the azalea bushes to a quarter of there size. With all of the rain they have grown back to half there size of when I cut them back.
We all so have three roses bushes that I just cut back to allow new growth in and with the flowers and herbs that I planted they have become the focal point instead of the rose bushes. So all in all everything has worked out and I hope to have a good rest of the season weather wise. Only time will tell.
Any way I got some leaves from the plant to make a vat of dye. Before anyone says anything I know that one plant is not enough to dye large patches at once so I’m only going to do small ones and keep over dyeing to see how dark I can get the samples.
I used Rita Buchanan’s book A Weavers Garden, to help me with creating the vat since I’ve never worked with fresh woad or any woad come to think of it before. The first step was of course to pick the leaves. Which I did and placed them in a clear quart jar, then the book says to bring water just up to the boil and pour it over the leaves I did this as well.
The next step was to leave it alone for about an hour till you have a tan red color liquid. I didn’t do that part, what I did was to leave it set for twenty four hours in full sun. I used the hot water to get the process started and left the sun do the work of keeping it warm for the rest of the time. I left the leaves in for this long to get as much of the blue out as possible. With such small amounts of woad at one time I want to get as much out of it as I can.
The next step is to remove the leaves then add some sodium carbonate also known as washing soda and a lot of air or oxygen into liquid to turn it blue. I will say that mine never turned blue when I added air with a whisk for ten minutes no less. No instead mine was a muddy swamp water color and at that point I was hoping I had the right plant. So I moved on to the next step.
For this step I could have chosen several methods to remove the oxygen from the vat to render it usably. Since I really didn’t have a lot of success with some of those options in the past with indigo vats I went the easy way out and used Spectralite also known as sodium hydrosulphite and left it sit for about an hour. As the oxygen is removed from the vat the vat will turn a yellow tan green color.
Of course mine is neon yellow, so here the moment of truth has arrived, is this a woad vat or did I pick a foreign weed thinking it was woad. I am happy to report as I removed my neon yellow yarn from the vat it started to turn green and then blue. So yes it was woad and I did every thing correctly and I got cool results. I was never expecting a dark color, there wasn’t enough leaves for that but I did get blue on the first try too.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Herb Sale
Since we were un-sure how long the line was going to be we wanted to get there as early as possible to beat the mad rush. So we left about 6:45am this morning and arrived there about 8:45am. So with traffic it took two hours.
When we arrived we were amazed to find out that we were about the twelfth people in line. So that wasn’t so bad, while we were in line we got talking to some of the other people who were all very nice. Through those conversations we found out that since this was our first time at this sale it would be an orgasmic experience for us.
So as we waited and look behind us the line was getting longer and longer as the time got closer to the sale starting. Since we didn’t take a count we have no numbers to give, put at best we would at least say 100 to 150 or more. We were also told to head to the center tables where the scented geraniums are since that is were every one heads and if you don’t get there quick you may get run over.
The advice was well taken for when the gate opened that is indeed what happened. No not us getting run over, everyone heading to the center island for geraniums. To give you some perspective on how large the sale was the island was about 8’ – 16’, the main area was about 100’ with two 16’ sides, there were also one area of roses and one area of native plants about 10’ – 10’ each. The last section was about 20’ – 40’ tented area, that’s were you paid and purchased none herb stuff like books and yard ornaments and the lot.
The herb selection was wonderful and surprising they had things I was not expecting to see and the prices were good. There inventory consisted of several scented geranium, sages, rosemary’s, thyme's, lavenders and many, many more with the addition of simple single varieties of herbs. I have a list below of the small amount of thirty different things I got. It was definitely a worth wild sale.
Looking around as we were in line to check out you would see that about a third to half or more of the tables were empty. This was a half hour after the sale started (that’s why we were warned to get there early). Since I have been put on there email list I will get an update on when next years sale is going to be, which is good because I would love to go again.
As we were told before the sale as we waited in line that this would be an orgasmic experience. We are herb sale virgins no more for it was an orgasmic experience.
- Aztec Sweet Herb
- Calendula
- Stevia
- Horehound
- Dill
- St. Johns Wort
- Rosemary
- Catmint
- Savory (Summer)
- Violet
- Curry Plant
- Feverfew
- Bay
- Orris Root
- Brown Turkey Fig
- Spicy Globe
- Greek Columar
- Pesto Peretuo
Scented Geranium
- Ginger
- Peppermint Lace
- Ardwick Cinnamon
- Citronellum
- Nutmeg
- Dr. Livingston (Rose)
- Rose
Monday, May 11, 2009
In March we of course started with the layout of the garden. Since the garden is placed in a nursery row the width is 12’. There is not much we can do about that until we decide to remove some of the old nursery stock. This would give us a total width of about 30’ give or take a little.
After staking out the garden we wanted to till it under add compost and till again. The area hasn’t been worked in several years about 25 to be exact and a couple of years ago when I had a garden there some of the produce did very poorly for a number of reasons so this year the addition of compost will correct some of that. We added a total of 25 cubic yards of compost to 1200 square feet of garden. So with that amendment and some other tricks of the trade there should be no problems with the lack of nurturance.
We wanted to get all the tilling done before we put up the fence it just made it easier to till and add the compost to the garden. This was all fine and good until we got a cold snap and the rains came. Making it very difficult to do either chore, so finally we were able to get the garden tilled, composted and fenced. This was all completed on the last day of April not to bad, I did want too get the early veggies in a couple of weeks prier but that wasn’t going to happen.
After all the work to get the garden ready and protected for the new seedlings I started this year, it decided to rain, and rain, and rain and yes rain some more a full seven days of rain to be exact. If it wasn’t raining during the day it rained at night so the garden was too wet to work in.
After it did stop raining and we had a couple of days with no ran and sun, the earth dried enough to be able to work and I finally got my early veggies planted. So I was able to get the cabbage, cauliflo
I do have to get the early seeds in which I will probable do tomorrow. I was more worried about the plants since they were becoming leggy. While I was playing in the garden some one brought me a gift of tomato plants, all thought it is early to plant them for this area I decided to go for it. I figured they had a better chance of surviving in the ground then in a box. So I had to do some quick thinking on were to plant theses little guys in an already planned garden. I figured out a good spot and got them in I was given several plants of heritage and roma,
One last thing on this very long post when I had the garden a couple of years ago something had gotten in and was taking a bite out of every thing. Never eating the whole fruit or veggie, so I tried to figure out what it mite be. But nothing was co
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Saturday Night
This past weekend I was at an art show held in the Riverview Arts Center in Phillipsburg, NJ. They are going to be having a show the first Saturday of every month thru the summer (except July that one is the second Saturday, the first Sat. is the 4th).
There were a total of 12 artists showing, with a real mix of mediums being shown. There were paintings, photographs, drawings, pottery and there was even someone there show his painting that he dos on cars and motorcycles.
The cool thing about these shows is the artists don’t have to pay a both fee and the center also looks for people that has never shown there work before. To make money the center does charge a $4.00 entry fee, that $4 gets you food, drinks and live music through out the night.
The reason I was there is of course to check out all the art work, and too show off my work as well. I was able to get six pieces done. Four of them are wall hangings and two are summer shawls. While I was working on them I was also trying to get the garden ready, with fencing, tilling so when the weather would stabilize I could start to plant.
The next show I’m going to be in is the August show. That will give me time to make up some more things. Also thru out the summer I will be working in the garden that is, if it will ever stop raining.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
PVC Loom the project
After I warped the loom I did notice a little bow in it. What I did was loosen the tension and that corrected the problem without making it to loose to weave. The other problem I had was attaching the heddles, I didn’t understand the directions but I figured that out too.
After I got it all set up weaving went real easy and quick for me. I was weaving on my bed so the loom wasn’t slipping around on me. If you do you a table or hard wood floor I would take caution that the loom doesn’t scratch the surface. So a recommendation would be just to put a towel under the loom, this should help with slipping and it will protect the surface of the table or floor.
I did loosen the loom to advance the band forward and retightened when I had it in the correct spot. I was amazed how the tension stayed for me throughout the weaving; I had no loose threads or really tight ones. As I’m typing I realized part that is from the continues warp, if not all of it.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Plam Weaving
This year I got to make a display to place on the altar at my church. Which is a cool honor so what I did was I got three palm crowns. Just in case I didn’t like the first one I could make a second or if need be third piece. It turned out that I made two pieces for the church and I had enough left to make some pieces for the cemetery.
During the Pastors sermon she was pointing out all the gifts that were displayed in the church and giving credit to the person or persons that made them. The point of doing this was to show how much God given talent we all have and not to let anyone stop us from using those talents especially our selves. So she finally got to the palm pieces, [which I had hoped she was going to forget (I’m to humble to take credit) alas she did not forget about the palm pieces].
She begins by holding up a palm cross that she had made and is telling everyone how taken a back she was when she saw the palm pieces. At how elaborate and beautiful they were. Then she proceeds to say (to embarrass me of course) “Who needs the little old Italian women of south Philly when we have Chuck.” The sanctuary was in roar with clapping and whistling and praises of thanks.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Inkle Loom
Since I don’t have an inkle loom I decided to
The first thing I did was cut all the pieces to length and marked them. Since you can take the loom apart for storage I wanted to mark all the pieces so I knew who went where when I put it back together.
Then all I did was assemble the loom and it’s ready to go. The final thing for me to do is to warp the loom and try it out. I will be doing that later this week, or at least that is my goal.
Knitting 8
I was able to get 15 swatches knitted up so that isn’t too bad. So now I’m up to 75 completed swatches. Still a long way to go but I’m getting there.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
More Seeds Planted
Today was seed planting day. I got all my summer seeds sowed and in there warm little incubators so they can germinate. A total of 36 different varieties of plants in 4 flats of 72 cells per flat, that a total of 288 seeds that I sowed today that’s a lot. I do have a couple of more trays to plant yet one for the front yard of the house and one for a garden near the vegetable garden. I have to wait for the seed I planted today to germinate so I have room for the next two trays. Below I have a list of all the seeds I planted if you would like to check it out.
- Delivious Tomato
- Principe Borgehese Tomato
- Chrimson Cushion Tomato
- Amish Paste Tomato
- French Marigold
- Parsley
- Basil
- Nastrium
- Pomigranate
- Egg Plant
- Dill
- Cheese Pepper
- Paprika Pepper
- Cayanne Pepper
- Hungerian Black Pepper
- Sage
- Rosemary
- Sesame
- Thyme
- Oregano
- Amaranth
- Indigo
- Woad
- Henna
- Weld
- Dyers Broom
- Fullers Teasel
- Eucalyptus
- 2 Variaties of Zinnia
- Ipomosis Rubra
- Kiss me over the garden gate
- Snapdragon
- Cosmos
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Natural dying
What I had soaking was nutmeg, hickory chips, apple wood chips and I remembered I had some mushrooms in the freezer as well. So I decided to do some dye experiments. I don’t remember were I herd or read this but someone uses small baby food jars when sampling. I liked the idea and decided I would try that for my experiments as well.
I did this for all four sample batches.
1 Made a mordant solution of each mordant (a pint of each mordant)
2 Made the dye bath
3 Placed the sample yarn, 1/4c of mordant solution and 3/4c of dye in each jar (one jar for each mordant)
4 Placed each sealed jar in a large pot of hot water (just like you do to process can goods)
5 Left the jars simmer in the water bath for and hour
6 After cooled I let them dry, rinsed, washed, rinsed again and let them dry.
So I had a total of seven jars one with no mordant added, alum, tin, copper, iron, vinegar and washing soda. The dye baths were simmered at 212 degrees and the water bath was at 202 degrees. I like the way this worked out and have decided to use this method again when I have new dye stuff later this year to try out.
The fun stuff that I’m going to try out this year after I get them growing is, henna, amaranth red dye, dyer’s broom, eucalyptus, French marigold, weld, bull’s blood beet. If you take a look below you will see the finished results.