This past weekend (Saturday to be exact) one year ago is when we got our chicks to start egg production. This past year has been
a real learning experience,we did have some losses especially overwinter (fox). Now we are looking for laying hens to increase the flock. The picture to the right is the little guys last year,they are now a year old and can be called Hens and Roosters.
I did go to the sale on Saturday, but this year they had very little.There where no chicks at
all, they did have chickens but I couldn’t examine them. So I decided not to get anything at that sale. But I am still looking. To the left is a picture of the chicks all grown up. This was taking in the fall of last year so they weren't laying any eggs yet.
So how about those eggs you may be asking. Yes they did start to lay eggs about four weeks ago.Since they are new to this they
aren’t all laying regularly yet. But that will come with time. As you can see they are the blue green color they are supposed to be. What I wasn’t expecting was the peach color or the speckled. We have gotten about three dozen eggs from them thus far. But as I said earlier they aren’t all laying and the one that just started aren’t on a regular schedule yet. So in a few more weeks everyone should be laying. When we get more hens we should get two to three dozen of eggs a day.
I thought it would be fun to have a picture year in review I hope you enjoy it.