Saturday, May 6, 2017

Field Trip

Well now that I have the gardens I have to fill right. Well the side garen outside my studio is going to be a dye garden. An what does that mean? That means  rip to a herb farm to get some dye plants. Well actually I have some growing and I have some in seed for but I wanted some that I don't have.

A trip to Well Sweep Herb Farm was in order. I believe I has mentioned them before. They have just about everything and other then a couple of mints and a clematis. Every thing I got was dye plants and the owner was a bit impressed by the project. Which is cool in my book every one is really nice and helpful.

We also stopped by for a double lecture on native plants. How to plant them and what they sell in the native plant species. which was a great learning experience and a project for another day.

So back to the dye plants, Since I have several of my own I only needed a small amount. They are as fallows.

  • True Indigo
  • Woad
  • Senna
  • Alkanet
  • Golden Rod
  • Calendula
  • Field Horsetail
What I have in the house is dyers chamomile, nettle, madder, official elecampane, french marigold, our lady's bedstraw, hopi blue corn and hopi black sunflower (I've thought this to be blue but will see). In reality this is going to be a really nice dye garden. Plus Well Sweep has a lot more in the dye plant area. So I can always get more if I like.

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