Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lace Days 2013

In the midst of the accident I was able to take a few hours and go to lace days in Lafayette NJ. P2120001I’m able to make that one before we head to work in the afternoon. I always have a good time and see friends I only get to see once a year.

This year I picked up a book on lace for worship (which goes well with my weaving for worship book). I lost one of my tools so I replaced it, I also got a riser for my pillow. The last thing I got really isn’t lace making per say, but you could use it to make some gimp threads. It’s a Lucet, I’ve seen these before I just wasn't sure its purpose. Well it make a square cord, so in reality you could make your own gimp cord if you like.

Unfortunately there wasn't a bargain on a pillow this year. May I get one next year, we’ll see.

2013-02-02 09.58.30

2013-02-02 09.59.05 

2013-02-02 09.59.26

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